The Collingswood High School Class of 1961 40th Reunion was held at the Tavistock Country Club, Tavistock Lane, Haddonfield,
New Jersey. There were 136 in attendance, including Capt. and Mrs. John Smith and Dr. and Mrs. Jay Simmons, only 84 were
classmates! Dr. Jay and Capt. John both gave small speeches. Tom Burkman made the Invocation before
dinner. The National Anthem was sung by Karen (Rainey) Kline. Special (Gag) Awards were handed
out as follows: 1. The class member who came the furthest - Brent Zepke 2. The most recently married class
memeber - Marge (Klein) Pike-Long 3. The classmate with the most recent child - Jon Goldstein 4. The classmate
with the most children - Linda (McCullough) Lee 5. The classmate with the most grandchildren - Charlie Hertzog
6. The classmate with the most interesting career - Bruce Greenberg 7. The classmate whose first reunion was this
one - Emma (Kerr) D'Onofrio Most eveyone seemed to enjoy the rest of the evening - full of conversation, dancing
and fun! Check out the pictures, etc....